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What's Treiland?

Treiland is an initiative that seeks a better society, promoting universal principles and denouncing bad practices that corrupt politics and the media, hindering their work as tools to improve the lives of citizens.

At Treiland we believe that politics should be an activity of service to the public and improvement of society, but often those who practice it deviate from those objectives and make the same mistakes: Bad government, corruption, totalitarianism, lack of solidarity, polarization, short-termism and pursuit of power for power's sake, thus harming society.
We also believe that the media must carry out their work with impartiality, independence and responsibility, avoiding sensationalism, partisanship, bias and manipulation, undesirable traits that not only polarize society, but misinform it, locking up each individual. in a bubble in which only those news enter that reaffirm their convictions.
Treiland encourages values ??such as empathy, impartiality, honesty, self-criticism, the ability to recognize one's own mistakes and to reevaluate convictions in the face of irrefutable facts. It aims to be an assistant against forgetfulness and self-deception, an alarm against manipulations, a tool to search for the facts behind the stories and the intentions behind the words.
What is Treiland's philosophy?
At Treiland we do not follow classic political ideologies (left, right...) but rather we are governed by Civítics, a philosophy whose three main axes are:
  1. Principles prevail over ideologies.
  2. Facts prevail over stories.
  3. Individual rights prevail over territorial rights.
Therefore we defend universal values ??individually, without attributing them to any political tendency. We believe that there are principles of consensus such as Freedom, Equality, Concord, Justice and Honesty. Several levels of principles are derived from them, but we intentionally avoid entering into ideologies or seeking binary debates about concepts such as left or right, monarchy or republic, etc. Above all because we avoid this tendency to form ideological "packs" and prefer to defend principles one by one. We believe that each individual can have a different opinion on different aspects and that it is not necessary to assume any ideology in its entirety.
How does Treiland work?
Treiland organizes the relevant events of our time as actions that support or violate principles: The relationships between these actions and the people and entities that cause them weave a network that allows us to see everything that normally escapes us or is hidden from us in each event, in a complete and detailed context, overcoming manipulations and misrepresentations.
In addition, Treiland allows its users to contribute ideas and strategies that help reinforce the fundamental principles, organizing them and making them available to everyone.

The information Treiland uses is based on Open Source Intelligence (OSINT). This means that knowledge is provided to Treiland from publicly accessible documentation, such as links to news from digital publications, public documents from governmental or non-governmental organizations, court rulings at regional, national or supranational level and other sources. Treiland also compiles ideas, strategies and reflections that, respecting its principles, can help enhance them.

Who provides Treiland content?
The contents are provided by Treiland users or treiners. They provide links to publicly accessible news and documents, as well as ideas or strategies aimed at reinforcing fundamental principles. Treiland's structure is designed with the objective that the service can be maintained and enhanced by users from all over the world and at the same time its functionality favors moderation and impartiality against attempts at manipulation. The information received is analyzed, evaluated and incorporated into Treiland by the landers. A lander is a treiner who has demonstrated honest and impartial conduct and has requested to contribute by classifying information provided by other treiners. Both landers and other treiners are valued for their honesty and impartiality, and may lose their status if they do not maintain it.
Can a trainer manipulate information?
One of the biggest problems with social networks is misinformation. The networks work by clicking likes and channel information through algorithms that seek to enhance the audience, although to do so they must skew the information to please the user or to encourage them to participate or discuss. Misinformation and fake news circulate everywhere and overshadow true information. Any user can inadvertently become a misinformer by retweeting, spreading a hoax and impoverishing the perception of reality.
However, Treiland's structure does not respond to votes or trends, but what counts is the veracity of the information, that it is solid and verified, that it includes different origins and points of view. A news story has more value than an opinion article. An unmanipulated video has more value than a written article and a judicial ruling from an international court more than that of a national one, for example. And regarding the prestige of the source, this is self-regulating, since a medium gains more prestige if it publishes news from two different sides than if it gives voice to only one and it has less prestige if false or biased news can be identified in it or if it receives subsidies. of a specific side. Therefore, if Treiland is bombarded with articles favorable to a political trend coming from media that show obvious support for said trend, the only thing that will be achieved is to confirm the partiality of that media, which can reduce its prestige, and record the manipulation attempt. Treiland's architecture is open to constant adjustments whose sole purpose is to improve its fairness. Furthermore, as we have already mentioned, treiners and landers are valued according to the impartiality and honesty of their conduct, and if they lose their prestige they also lose their status.
What law or criterion does Treiland base the tree of principles on?
To develop the tree of fundamental principles, Treiland is inspired by the principles of the United Nations, starting from the Declaration of Human Rights and other declarations of UNESCO and UNICEF, although it takes into consideration many other sources that help to complete and reinforce the universality of some principles that represent common values ??and ideals of broad consensus.
By being based on human rights, Treiland will always place individual rights above collective rights, which in turn will be above territorial rights, since the rights of citizens must always prevail over the legitimate rights of a territory or a group. that form it.
The universal principles described in Treiland may or may not correspond to legal norms, for example, racial discrimination is a crime in democratic countries while lying by a politician to his citizens is not, but in the honesty section the lie is recorded as a violation of the basic principle. In any case, Treiland's tree of principles is not immutable and can be modified with the sole purpose of being clearer, more robust, fair and impartial.
Does Treiland make judgments about the content provided or about the political formations?
No, because that is not our responsibility. We neither make judgments, nor do we possess the truth, nor are we even impartial, as human beings that we are, despite the fact that we aspire to be so. At Treiland we collect, analyze and process information to make the facts easier to see, but we do not value or judge. We provide useful information and tools to facilitate your analysis, but the data may or may not be complete depending on whether Treiland users have managed to provide enough information.
Our ultimate purpose is to contribute to a better policy, and consequently, to a better society.
  • Equality

    People must have the same rights and opportunities without any distinction based on origin, race, sex, culture, ideology or any other reason.

  • Liberty

    Las personas han de poder ejercer su voluntad, expresar sus ideas, su identidad, su lengua y su cultura sin coacciones, respetando la ley, los derechos humanos y los tribunales reconocidos internacionalmente.

  • Justice

    Respetar las normas y reglas que regulan la convivencia en sociedad.

  • Concord

    Se han de buscar puntos de acuerdo que busquen la convivencia pacífica y la empatía, rechazando toda violencia y rehuyendo posiciones polarizadas que resulten en vencedores y vencidos.

  • Honesty

    Buscar siempre la verdad, la ejemplaridad y la claridad en las palabras, rechazando y denunciando la manipulación de ideas y conceptos.

  • Data

  • Características

A better society - Under construction
A single world. Endless ways to improve.

Ámbito geográfico
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