EQUALITYANUNCIOS Y PROMESAS• Against discrimination• Against segregation• Against the invisibility of collectives• For democracyLIBERTYPROMESAS• Against totalitarianism• Contra el secuestro• Por los derechos laborales• Por los derechos políticos• Contra la esclavitud• For cultural freedom• For freedom of expression• For freedom of the press• For ideological freedom• For individual liberties• For the freedom of choice of public representatives• Por los derechos humanosJUSTICE• For a just law• For an honest law• For compliance with the law• For the separation of powersCONCORD• Against confrontation• Against fundamentalism• For the safety of people• Against harassment, intimidation and threats• Against hatred, insults and offenses• Against violence• Against witch hunting• Contra la polarización• For dialogue and the search for agreements• For empathy and solidarity• For the good of the peopleHONESTY• Against corruption• Against manipulation• Against political decisions for outside interests• Against politicization• For the truth• Por la coherencia• Por la transparencia