Honesty ⤷ Against political decisions for outside interests ⤷ Contra las promulgación de leyes con el fin de obtener apoyos para gobernar
Promulgación de leyes a cambio de apoyos
The Partido Socialista Obrero Español has allegedly violated the principle Contra las promulgación de leyes con el fin de obtener apoyos para gobernar, although the principle has been defended by Felipe González. The arguments provided support this statement that shows a violation of the principle in Spain from october 2023 to february 2024.
This statement is a hypothesis and its arguments are assumptions and not certainties. Treiland does not accuse, judge or sentence, but tries to clarify the information available to make it accessible to anyone. Only the courts of justice are responsible for issuing verdicts.
They have allegedly violated the principle: | • Partido Socialista Obrero Español | |
They have defended the principle: | • Felipe González |
Validation arguments
⦿ El PSOE negocia traspasar a Cataluña la recaudación de impuestos con un pacto fiscal a cambio de que ERC apoye la presidencia de Salvador IllaUntranslated 30-07-2024 - 📂 8 derived arguments |
⦿ El PSOE amnistía a los independentistas encausados por el "procés" a cambio de su apoyo para gobernar.Untranslated 05-10-2023 - 📂 11 derived arguments |
See context
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